Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Earthquakes! Oh my!

So last night after spending quite an excessive amount of time on Facebook and YouTube.  I finally forced myself to turn off the light, turn off my lab top and slip underneath the covers to go to sleep.  I was just getting adjusted in bed when all of a sudden I heard a strange noise coming from my closet! Almost as if someone was in there! It totally freaked me out so I turned on the light and was preparing to get up and investigate this noise when I heard a rumbling sound that sounded like a train. I immediately thought, " oh crap, it must be a tornado. I should take cover."But then realized that was completely irrational and that I would not be alive if that were the case.  So I proceeded onto the next thought associated with the noise. This time the bathroom next to my room started shaking violently, and I ran out of my room and as I was running, I could feel the ground moving beneath me.  I cried out to my mom and dad, "Mom, Dad, It's an earthquake. I'm scared." Then ran downstairs and woke up my mom, which I later felt bad for and told her that there was an earthquake.  By this point, I realized that I would have a hard time falling asleep so I got on Facebook, the ever present help in trouble, and saw that two of my friends had also felt it and that I wasn't just imagining things.  I decided I could go to sleep now and attempted to fall asleep, but kept on imagining it happening again. Then I felt the ground moving and my calendar moved on its own and I realized there was another earthquake but this time I was too exhausted to move.  So I  finally turned on some praise and worship music which helped my discomfort and then finally classical music and drifted into sleep.  It was a fitful night so needless to say I will not be going to bed late tonight because I don't want to feel another earthquake!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Weather Madness!

Well, well,well, the weather is at it again.  Here in Oklahoma, you never know what to expect.  From hailstorms to wintry precipitation all in one night of season's greetings, and only a week away from Christmas.  How about that?  I can't wait to see what the weather will be like next week.  The weathermen are predicting a winter storm of epic proportions across the Midwest and thunderstorms elsewhere.  They even have a name for the winter storm, Winter Storm Draco..interesting did they get that idea from Harry Potter or something..get it Draco Malfoy.  Okay, so I guess I lost you with the Harry Potter reference, but needless to say we were talking about the weather.  So according to Fox23 news, they are saying that 124 counties in Oklahoma are under a tornado watch till 2:00 a.m. on December 20th and then there is a wind advisory in effect for 8 counties in Oklahoma, winds higher than 40 mph is predicted.  One other weather advisory is the severe thunderstorm warning in Leflore county, but that's not too major.  Either way on top of that we have a 30% chance of snow showers so snow will finally come to Oklahoma! Then next week we are supposed to get hit by a huge snowstorm; i hope it snows on Christmas Eve and Christmas that way we can have a White Christmas.  Either way that wraps up the weather news folks.  Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Goodnight and God bless!